Two years ago we created a live scoring component to use for Section 2 Basketball games. It allows users to add scoring plays in real time using their electronic device. The feedback has been fantastic as it enables fans and media to follow game action as it happens. Live scoring can be used for any game that is currently in the database via the live scoreboard link HERE.


Here’s a sample game link to check out with screenshots below.


You’ll see the score on top with time and quarter. Below that you’ll find the play by play scroll to follow live action. On the right hand side of the page you’ll see team stats. We’ve also added “tweet” button for viewers to tweet out the live score/time/quarter to their own followers. (The twitter text is automatically generated with the live information)


Next you’ll see the player stats (below)


After the game is over and the user selects the end game button the system generates this cool game flow graph.


This component is great for fans that can’t come to the game. It also can be used to send to media outlets after the game. Just send the game link to your email contacts and you’re done. Here’s a link to a bunch of games that were covered last year using the live scoring component.


All you need to do is register a username on and enter your team information. Each team in Section 2 has their own team page with the ability to add roster, schedule, stats, etc. All games are located on the live scoreboard where fans can find your game.

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