(Albany, NY)


 -Colonie placed four in double figure scoring & led from start to finish to beat Albany 55-42 in a Suburban Council Coaches vs Cancer game. Aliyah Wright had 15 pts., Makayla Blake 12 pts., Alivia Paeglow 11 pts., Kyara Triblet 10 pts. Ahniysha Jackson led the Falcons with 13 pts., Junasia Lanier 11 pts., and Jenna Citone 10 pts.


 Box Score with full play by play HERE:




(Aliyah Wright)



 (Makayla Blake)





 (Ahniysha Jackson)


 (Junasia Lanier)



Full game video highlights


 Full game video highlights

broken down by team & players.

(Click team logo)



Game flow chart:




By Ed Bemiss

header wemitt
Cron Job Starts